You Can Help
Protect Sáttítla

With your ongoing support we can ensure our homelands are protected for future generations.

In addition to signing the petition, there are other ways you can help. 

  • Follow our social media channels

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Then, share our posts on your own feed
and in your stories

If you live in California, reach out to
U.S. Senator Alex Padilla

Write to the Senator here or send him a letter

2500 Tulare Street
Suite 5290
Fresno, CA 93721

You can write your own letter, or use the sample letter below as you correspond with the Senator.

Dear Senator Padilla,

I’m writing to advocate for the protection of Sáttítla, an area also known as the Medicine Lake Highlands in Northern California. Thank you for your leadership and working with the Pit River Tribe to conserve these culturally and ecologically significant public lands as a national monument.

The Pit River Tribe, the local community, and many Californians have fought relentlessly for decades to fend off threats of inappropriate energy development in this ecologically sensitive area. It is time to put an end to these threats and ensure Sáttítla is permanently protected.

I support the protection of Sáttítla as a national monument and thank you for your efforts to protect this area through legislation. Absent immediate action by the full US Senate and Congress, I join others in asking that you work with President Joe Biden to use the Antiquities Act to establish this monument.

Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, to ensure swift action to honor the Pit River Tribe’s longstanding request. We are counting on your continued leadership in the months ahead.

You can also place a call if you’d prefer. Borrow from the sample script below and be sure to let them know where you are calling from.

Hello, my name is [your name] and I’m a resident of [your town/county]. I’m calling to express my support for the protection of Sáttítla. Thank you for your leadership and working with the Pit River Tribe to conserve these culturally and ecologically significant public lands as a national monument.

The Pit River Tribe has fought relentlessly for decades to fend off inappropriate energy development and other threats to these sacred lands. It is time to put an end to these threats and ensure Sáttítla is permanently protected.

I join others in asking that you work with President Joe Biden to use the Antiquities Act to designate a monument.

Thank you for all you have done, and continue to do, to ensure swift action to honor the Pit River Tribe’s longstanding request. We are counting on your continued leadership in the months ahead.

Help call for action to protect these culturally significant lands and their vital importance as source waters for California.