NEWS RELEASE: California Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee Adopted Resolution in Support of Sàttítla National Monument

Brandy McDaniels,, (530) 335-5421; press “0”

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (June 17, 2024) – Following the recent introduction of California Senate Joint Resolution 17 (SJR 17) by State Senator Ben Allen (D-24), the full Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee adopted the resolution in support of Sàttítla National Monument and the Kw’tsán National Monument in southern California. The resolution will now advance to the full California Assembly. 

Senator Allen shared, “The leadership of native tribes across our state in land conservation and environmental stewardship has been vital in protecting California’s remarkable natural resources and nation-leading biodiversity. The establishment of the Sáttítla and Kw’tsáan National Monuments, along with the many additional tribally-led conservation movements across the state, bring us closer to achieving our 30x30 goals. The permanent protection of these lands ensures that more of the ecological and cultural richness of our state remains intact for generations of Californians to come.”

 The Pit River Nation welcomes this news and the growing support for President Biden and our Congressional Delegation to protect our homelands as a national monument and to include our Tribe in the management and stewardship of Sáttítla. 

 The following statement is from Yatch Bamford, Chairman of the Pit River Nation: 

 “The Pit River People have worked tirelessly to educate and bring understanding regarding the importance and far-reaching connectivity of Sáttítla.  We have witnessed the growth of supporters who stand with us in calling on President Biden’s Administration to take protective action.

The adoption of this resolution moves us one step closer to the full California legislature having an opportunity to show that they too understand how critically important it is that we put an end to decades of legal battles and destructive threats to these cherished lands. Our people are counting on them, and so are hundreds of thousands of people who have signed petitions in support of better land protections by the Interior Department.

Thank you, to Senator Allen and those who have joined him in ensuring that this resolution moves toward adoption. The Pit River Nation thanks you for being an advocate for Sàttítla.” 



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